Home > Legal Terms
Website publisher
Company name : SISE
Form of incorporation : SAS
Company registration number (Siret) : 389 565 631 0022
Address :Voie Romaine - Groissiat 01100 Oyonnax - France
Phone : +33 (0)4 74 77 34 53
Email : sise@sise-plastics.com
Website publisher : Mr. Philippe Monnet
Web design
Company name : Novagence
Companies Register (RCS) No. : Bourg-En-Bresse B 481 222 123
Address : 3 B Place de l’Hôtel de Ville 01100 Bellignat
Authorized capital : €8,000
Phone : +33 (0) 4 74 76 96 24
Email : contact@novagence.fr
Website host
Company name : Micrologiciel
Address : 25/27 Avenue Marcel Dassault - 93370 Montfermeil
Phone : 01 75 43 63 60
Contact : Click Here
Terms of use
Use of the website http://www.sise-plastics.com implies full acceptance of the general terms described below. These terms of use may be amended or supplemented at any time, and users of the website www.sise-plastics.com are advised to consult them at regular intervals.
This site is normally accessible at all times to users. Service interruptions for technical maintenance can however be scheduled by www.sise-plastics.com, which will endeavor to notify users beforehand of the date and time of the operation.
The website http://www.sise-plastics.com is regularly updated by SISE. The legal notices may likewise be amended at any time, but remain binding on the user nevertheless. Users are advised to stay informed by consulting the legal notices as often as possible.
Intellectual property
All material on this website (text, graphics or multimedia, downloadable items) are the property of SISE and their respective authors. The reproduction and/or representation, total or partial, of any element present on the website is prohibited without SISE’s express prior consent. Failure to comply with this requirement constitutes an infringement under Articles L 335-2ff of the Intellectual Property Code.
SISE accepts no liability for the content, advertising, products or services available on or from sites to which its website offers links. SISE strives to provide the most accurate information on its website, and reserves the right to change details without notice. However, we give no guarantee that such information is accurate, complete and current. Furthermore, we accept no liability for difficulties in accessing the website or for disconnections from it.
The products are presented in accordance with applicable regulations in this area; in particular the website states the key features of each product. Photos, colors and shapes are shown as suits the website’s technical requirements, but should not be relied on instead of the details of size, color and shape given in the product description.
In the forms for requesting a quotation, requesting information or downloading product files, you enter personal data such as your name, telephone number, etc.. SISE undertakes to use this data only in a professional context and to take the necessary precautions to protect it. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, every user has the right to information about or correction and deletion of his or her data. For further information or enquiries about our GDPR Charter and Privacy Policy, as well as for any other enquiries, please contact the company at the following email address: dpo@sise-plastics.com
The configuration of cookie management can be done in your browser settings. The best user experience on this site and the conditions of access to certain services require the use of cookies.
Here are the links allowing you to configure cookies on the main browsers:
> Chrome : https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
> Internet explorer : https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
> Firefox : https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
> Safari : https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411?locale=en_US